Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Re: FW: Hey Ed

Hi Greg,

   wtfay:  where ... are you?

and Mike,

   all i (vaguely) remember, correct me if i'm wrong:  
      Pittsburgh,   Czech Republic, and Tuesdays with Big Brother?

and for all, don't know if you heard, but Al-Lu is selling off the dearly beloved WH labs, and moving the remnants into downtown MH, who's hall's, if not hallowed are hollow.    (oops, i see SK may have more info on this?!)

in the keepin' it young dept., we (wife pat and I) have (at least) two young friends, Ashok and Marina Maliakal, who hang out there (@MH), Ashok being one of those chemists who's trying to squeeze information into/outof molecules.  when last checked, Marina was working for the former Dennis Ritchie (still himself, less the Unix guru).

and FYI, i'm at Fidessa, where bloke-speak is the language, and we peddle our software to the big wall st firms, just so they can pump their orders and trades thru the pipes.   i train our developers, consultants, support staff on how our product works, my partner, Sandi, on what it does.  a good deal if ever there were one.

and, oh yes, i'm keeping Ed at bay, his thinking I care one whit about what happens to Hillary.  

and, in a sop to history, i'm re-reading Godel. Escher, Bach, with a new forward from Doug Hofstader, the author, where he confesses in  the new preface, that late in the publishing cycle, he "got the faith" re gender issues, and felt the need to press a feminine character into service. guess who?   "Ant Hilliary"   talk about a chuckle.

enuf good folks,

 +=+-- Marty McGowan

p.s. agree on widening the  circle

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Durant Gregory M (Gregory) <gmdurant01@lgsinnovations.com> wrote:
As per Ed's request, here you go Sanjay.

-----Original Message-----
From: ewronka@rochester.rr.com [mailto:ewronka@rochester.rr.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 1:16 PM
To: Durant Gregory M (Gregory)
Cc: mike.benson@netronomesystems.com; Durant Gregory M (Gregory);
Subject: RE: Hey Ed

Lest I be accused of participating in a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, let
me add Marty McGowan to this email thread!

I've been exchanging emails on and off with Marty for oh these so many
years I almost lost track of where I originally got to know him
from----those golden years over at the Country Club (i.e. Bell Labs).

Now all we need is Jeff Martin & Tom Oplinger, and we can begin a
session of forward looking research.....
                                              24 Herning Ave
908 230-3739, YIM: applemcg Cranford NJ 07016

1 comment:

NJWATER said...

Ritchie, Bloke Speak, WH "hallowed" ???

Ah, now HO truly were "hallowed" labs.... closed for good, and even the town doesn't know what to do with it.

for me? at IBM for the moment

Please no Barac bumper stickers M :)