Friday, December 28, 2007

Yes Virginia, there really is a Kevin Sac(k)!

States’ Widening of Health Care Hits Roadblocks
Article Tools Sponsored By
Published: December 25, 2007

SACRAMENTO — A year that began with great ambition for major expansions of health insurance here and in other state capitals is ending with considerable uncertainty, as a second wave of change runs headlong into a darkening economy and political divisions over how to apportion the cost.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Re: Reflections on New Jersey's abolition campaign


   thank you for what you have done here.   

   i, too, am at last proud to be from New Jersey at this time.

   many years ago, while in colorado, my apocryphal story was that a car from New Jersey would meet a car from Texas on "Gold Camp Road", which on the back of Pike's Peak, was in crucial places only one lane wide.  my then-disdain for NJ and TX was based on more than a few encounters in my formative years: college, time with military as a DOD civilian, and early travels east, where, I must say, it was citizens of NJ and TX who distinguished themselves in boorishness.   Gold Camp Road is sufficiently narrow that one of the two drivers would have to give way.  my model was that either would rather take the 1000' plunge than give in.    I was heard to say (or pray), "God, please never send me to New Jersey or Texas".    after seven years of this prayer, i heard God speak "Son, here's a deal:   you get to choose!"   Well,  _at_long_last_   (> 25 years), the choice is confirmed.

   having been here for these last years, and considering the modest support i was able to give our effort, i am indeed proud to be a New Jersey citizen.

Thank you,

 -=-.. Marty McGowan

On Dec 19, 2007 6:31 PM, <PaxCF...> wrote:
Dear Friends,
On Monday, December 17, 2007, Governor Jon Corzine signed the historic New Jersey death penalty abolition bill.  It was a good day.  I have some reflections on the campaign that led to this wonderful moment but first, a little "housekeeping."

Monday, October 29, 2007

AHS62 -- seventh edition

this time apologies are in order.

lots has been happening (lots of feedback), some of which
you've seen. 

the good news is -- guess what -- Judy had sent the
spreadsheet way back when - early Oct, and it wound up
in my "save until you _have_ to pay it pile" -- which got
worked this weekend.   i'll turn that into a google spreadsheet,
which those of you, so inclined, may look up, and those
in need, i'll mail.  this will all take a few weeks, however.

also, have a few new addresses, but not yet on the list
or database.   next time, he says.  

my excuse, such as they are, is my wife, Pat,'s trip to
Lk Tahoe, with a small but close portion of St Mary's class
of '64, as they turned 65.    this was our deal:  she can
go with "the girls" if i go to AHS 62's  45th.  it's debatable
as to who made the deal.  you get the idea.   i did point out
that if '64 turned 65, then '62 had just turned 63!   you'd
think a mathematician would have figured that out.  well,
the excuse was that Patty got back last night, lately
reserved for writing you, so i'm a day late. 

another fun thing was taking patty's godson, John Hollier,
(pronounced Oh-Yeah -- they're Cajun), to the NY Rangers
game on Sat nite, all my other dates: Patty, Chip, Kate,
being out of town -- Chip celebrating pregnant wife Laurie's
b-day yesterday.

SEND those PIX, Folks.   They couldn't have been THAT

b.t.w.  from now on i'll post these letters on my weblog:

for posterity, posterior, ... whatever.

-=-.. Marty M

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The 300 Movie: Separating Fact from Fiction

From: < >
Date: Mar 17, 2007 1:12 PM

Greetings to All,
I have humbly written a commentary on the historical veracity of the 300 movie in response to requests made by my American, English, Iranian and Greek friends. Here is the link: 
Dr. Kaveh Farrokh-The 300 Movie: Separating Fact from Fiction
The article has a bibliography section and also contains a number of rare illustrations and photographs. Please be kind and forward this to as many readers possible wordlwide.
I look forward to seeing you in the article. 
Kaveh Farrokh